Sunday, May 17, 2009

Show Number 4

So today Captain showed at 1:45 and it was about 95 degrees so he was done before we began. The judge was from Mexico City and watching her before us she didn't care for puppies. Captain was 2 of 2 today and didn't get to go back in for reserve. The next show dates are a Thursday to Sunday June 4-7. Once again these show are here in Vallejo our home time so there is only 5 minutes worth of travel. We weill keep on practicing and will update as usual. No pics or video today as Denise went to one of our good friends memorial. Be safe and will talk soon.


  1. Do you have a cool coat that you can put on him while he's waiting for his classes? That might help him through the heat. Different day, different dog show -- stay positive because he's a lovely puppy!

  2. Captain may take after his grandma Alice who absolutely *dies* in summer afternoon outside showing. She gives me a look like I'm absolutley *nuts* for being out there.
