Saturday, August 21, 2010

Reno Day One

So today we showed and the count was 0-2(2-0). Both of the bitches did not show so it was Harvey vs Captain. Harvey took breed but Captain was given Select. The whole time I watched the judge with previous breeds she never handed out a select. So for Cappy second time showing in BOB he now has a select. Harvey went on to take a Group 1 under judge Gladstone. He was here he was just asked to switch up breeds. I did get a change to say hi. He was a great guy. So tomorrow is another day and another judge. Captain has grown up and can hold his own against Harvey. He is now the size just not as broad of a chest. HE did great in the ring and his ears are doing great. I am getting better on the table and now need to work and moving him a little bit faster. Will let you know about tomorrow. On a side note Denise had technical difficulties so no pics today. I did take a select picture not sure if I will get it though.

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