Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Good News (unofficial)

So I have not yet received an email nor gotten anything in the mail but I checked with my tracking number on the OFA site today and it stated that Captain was CLEAR. He had a fifty fifty chance and this lets be breathe better as I know people are starting to talk about breeding. All you have to do is see him about and he is interested in it. Now for some x-rays. Debating if I should do an OFA prelim hip this weekend or wait til October when he is 2. If you have an opinion let me know. Once I get official news will post too. Captain shows this weekend in his first BOB class. He was a day off of having his name as CHampion in the program but most people know he has finished. Will let everyone know how things go. He is up against 2 males on Sat and Bitch, then Sun up against a male only.


  1. Trenton -- just my opinion on hip x-rays: I do a preliminary OFA x-ray so I know where I stand with a dog -- before I offer him at stud (or breed her), and before I spend any more show money on a dog. For me, the hips are a deal-breaker. You probably should think about what course you would pursue if Captain's hips are not good. Would you continue to show him and offer him at stud, or would you neuter him and perhaps participate in obedience/tracking/rally or even place him in a pet home. If the hip results are deal breakers for you as well, then check them before you spend any more money or get anyone revved up about using him. It's just my opinion -- many would disagree with me.

  2. I think Penni makes some very good points. I don't breed and don't ever plan on breeding. But health clearances mean EVERYTHING to me--as a die-hard Cardi performance person, having a healthy sound dog is of utmost importance.

  3. I would say if there are people interested now (rather than after 2) do Pennhip. It can be done at any time after 16 weeks. That also lets you see an OFA type view. You can do a prelim at the same time or wait until 2. If nobody is interested in using him until next winter wait until then unless the $$$ is burning a hole in your pocket.

    I do prefer doing BOTH Pennhip and OFA as they show different things and are both valuable.

  4. Both points are valid. I know where Penni is coming from, having started with a Cardi who she wanted to turn into a great obedience/agility dog who then didn't pass. But if it won't make a difference in your career plans for Cappy you could wait.

    I guess that I'm a touch selfish in wanting to know prelim results . . .

    And remember there's that new "grand champion" title to compete for starting the 12th.


  5. Ditto what Kristine said:

    Hips would be a deal breaker for me, even in searching for a pet-quality dog. Cardigans are not cheap and it is a lot of money to spend on a pet that might require costly vet care down the line, or be unable to participate in performance activities.

    Even when searching for a pet, these test results represent information I definitely want to know. And I'd pass on puppies bred from dogs with questionable results.

    While Cardigans are rare, relatively speaking, in rescue, attempting to place a dog with known hip, or other muscular-skeletal issues is a tall order. If there are known issues, these are often too costly for a rescuer to cover and a dog of this nature could be euthanized under these circumstances. While many adopters will take "special needs" dogs, a dog requiring extremely costly surgery goes beyond what most will accept.
