Sunday, September 27, 2009

At the Ranch

Captain today got to meet up with Fig at his Ranch in Napa. We all had a great time and they played together very well. Malibu and Duncan were there too. I must say we enjoyed ourselves very much. Thank you Alden can't wait til next time. All these photos are on Facebook also with captions. Still can't figure this thing out. They are in no particular order.


  1. The name of this post is definitely TONGUES. It looks like these kids wore themselves out! A good time . . .

  2. Duncan looks so much like his mom as he gets older . . .

  3. We had so much fun, but it was ungodly hot. The "terror trio" got along really well. Duncan thought that chasing sticks and squirrels in 100 degree heat was a dumb idea. He stayed in the shade. Smart boy.

    Thanks for the great pictures, and great company. See you all in Dixon.
