Sunday, April 12, 2009

New Stack Week 25/26

So the first three pics of the stack were done yesterday after Denise brushed Captain out. As he was in the hoop she picked him up and set him down and was able to get the pics. He actually stayed for her. The next three were taken this morning. The other two were last month but I felt the were cute. Captain is such a cuddlier. He is very much on your lap. Although his ears are up and I know he can have a butterfly nose I hope it fills in. He is the local hit at the dog park and everyone gets the cardigan education. He is not a mix! Last puppy class this Tuesday and we are working on his stand and ring work.


  1. What a beautiful boy! Sounds like he and Sage got Hannah's sweetness.

    It is always interesting seeing others try to figure out what kind of dog you have when you take a Cardi out and about, isn't it? I once had someone ask me if my Cardigan girl, Kenai, was a "Dandy Dinmont." Too funny!

    How much does Captain weigh now? I'm checking out the comparisons, as Sage has leveled out at about 20.9 pounds, as of last week. I am thinking he might still be the "little guy" in the group of males.

    Warm wishes!

  2. He's looking really good! Keep up the good work. I am excited for Captain, Iris and Greta to hit the show ring. Greta weighed in at the vets at just shy of 21lbs. I think Sage is probably going to stay smaller, for a male but that's ok, because he's cute as a bug!

  3. Considering they are about 6 months, he's fine weightwise :) Sounds like Greta is going to be a little smaller. I haven't weighed Iris (and the weather has been awful)...

  4. So Captain is weighing in at about 26 pounds on our bathroom scale haven't got him out to a good scale lately. When I visited a local show a couple of weeks ago without him, my father who showed newfies felt that Captain looked bigger and better than the puppies in his class. I am happy with things and getting nervous for us both.
